Woman - Sam Farrar Of Phantom Planet | Maroon 5 | Supertesti.it

Woman - Sam Farrar Of Phantom Planet

Testo Woman - Sam Farrar Of Phantom Planet

If I be so inclined to climb up beside you,
Would you tell me that the time just isnt right?
And if I ever find the key you hide so well,
Will you tell me that I can spend the night?

Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.
I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.

If I could bottle up the chills that you give me
I would keep them in a jar next to my bed.
And If I should ever draw a picture of a woman
It is you that would come flowing from my pen

Leavin your clothes on the floor, Making me walk out the door
And I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.

Helplessly melting as I stand next to the sun.
As she burns me, I am screaming out for more
Drink every drop of liquid heat that I‘ve become.
Pop me open, spoon me out on to the floor.

Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder,
I still fail to understand, fail to understand
Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.
I still fail to understand what it is about this woman

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